“People never learn anything by being told; they have to find out for themselves.” – Paulo Coelho

Our news

  • The Next Killer App: The End of Apps

    Technology is a word that describes something that doesn’t work yet. – Douglas Adams (Author) This current wave of AI excitement, unlike previous technological advances that often skewed towards younger, tech-savvy audiences, signals a transformative era in technology—one that promises to upend the long-standing generational tech divide. Unlike past technological advancements that predominantly catered to…


  • Rating GPT Response Quality using Crypto

    Introduction to the Concept of “Knowledge Tokens” running on the Ethereum Network In this discussion, we explore the concept of employing Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) agents tailored to both individual experiences and specific domains such as SQL. We delved into how these individual-based and domain-specific GPT agents can dynamically interact within a public-private framework, where…


  • Revolutionizing Online Education: How AI and GPTs Enhance Learning Experiences

    How AI Can Develop a Personalized Learning System In the realm of education, digital transformation has fundamentally altered how knowledge is disseminated and acquired. Online courses have become a staple for learners worldwide, offering the convenience and flexibility traditional classrooms often lack. However, as these courses grow in popularity, so too does the recognition of…


  • Make your very own stick PC

    With the release of the Raspberry Pi Zero W. I can finally create a PC that fits in my pocket; an idea kicking around me head for several years. Its not an original idea, there have been commercial attempts to manufacture “stick” PCs but performance issues, compatibility with KVMs prevented wide adoption. With its compact…


  • Cloud Cover: Citizen Participation in Homeland Security

    INTRODUCTION The modern technology/business concepts of open source, crowd sourcing and information clouds would not have been entirely foreign to the national defense environment of World War II. The terminology would not have been understood, of course, and the communications infrastructure would not exist for decades. What did exist, however, were complex organizational structures of…


  • The role of social media and public health

    Public health programs and policy are often defined at regional and national levels, but community is, literally, where prevention and intervention take place. (MacQueen, 2001) The link between disease management and local community services is not new. In 1854 a cholera outbreak occurred in London. A Mr. John Snow took a map of the area…


  • Mining Bitcoin with a Raspberry PI

    If there was one technology that epitomized 2017 it was blockchain currency.  Without a central bank, the value of this virtual currency is maintained by a peer to peer ledger that encrypts via hashing to manage a set number of coins.  This general ledger is a long list of blocks, known as the ‘blockchain’. It…


  • The Silent Symphony of Maps: Understanding the Essence and Importance of Geographic Literacy

    “A map has no vocabulary, no lexicon of precise meanings. It communicates in lines, hues, tones, coded symbols, and empty spaces, much like music. Nor does a map have its own voice. It is many-tongued, a chorus reciting centuries of accumulated knowledge in echoed chants. A map provides no answers. It only suggests where to…


  • The Power of Ideas

    “This is the real secret of life – to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now.  And instead of calling it work, realize it is play” ~ Alan Watts I was updating my resume as I’ve done 100’s of times in the past 20 years and realized that there…